I also got new gumboots at the start of August. It sounds boring but it was actually great - I got a refund for the cute ones I bought online that turned out to be rubbish and it was enough to get the good gumboots that I wanted, because they were on sale! They arrived super fast and then I didn't have to suffer through wet feet on any more dog walks. And I have a new coat - I made it. I started it last year and got discouraged so I put it away in the closet. I finally pulled it out when the weather got really cold and now it is finished. Of course, it's not cold enough for a wool coat now but I wore it into work once, and everything asked where I got it (it's amazing and purple you see). Now it will be waiting for next winter. Finally since we're talking about wardrobes, I also feel like I have new boots because I bought these great green leather boots in Amsterdam last year, but then I put them in the closet and didn't wear them. After looking at a shoe sale and nearly buying new boots, I decided to save money by wearing the ones that I already have. And they are great.

Mum came to visit for a night, it was only the second time she has been to our house and a lot has changed since then. I took her to the fabric store (they had a big sale) and I got lining for my next sewing projects, we went to Spotlight for patterns on sale (yay new dress patterns), we went to the new little art gallery that is right here in Wainui (and of course mum talked to the artists for ages) and then we went over to the little boutique 'eco' dress shop, where the lady makes clothes out of old clothes (Mum talked to her for ages too). In the evening we went to an event, it was why I invited Mum up. A friend invited me because she didn't want to go on her own. There is this thing called Sew Social and they put on events for people who sew. This was a cocktail event, it was quite cool to see what a lot of people have made. But it was also very loud, there were a lot of people in a small space. I won a prize, so now I have $50 to spend at a local fabric store. So it was well worth going to the event, I got some nice drinks, the food was decent (though not enough dessert so we had to get ice cream after), and I got 2/3 of my ticket price back in the form of a fabric store voucher.
All in all it's been a busy month. Now it is spring and time to start getting our veggie garden. Nathan made me a little greenhouse out of our old BBQ.