Nine days till we head away to Europe! I'm posting a few dates late days I've been busy. We have been trying to clear out our spare room, which is full of random stuff and junk so that we can fit a bed in there as we have two sets of house and pet sitters. And I've been trying to finish a sewing project. Plus we're still really busy in the garden.
Our garden work has been building a raised garden bed that runs the entire length of the fence at the top of our property. It's Felsted now and filled with dirt, and a few pages. The plan is to fill it with very bushes that over time will create a bramble over the fence, to both act as a hedge and provide us with fruit. It will take a while to fill it with berry bushes though. We also have lots of seedlings to plant into the vegetable beds before we go. They've been in my mini greenhouse and I just hope that it's warm enough now for them to go outside Then when we get back after 3 weeks hopefully stuff will be growing nicely.
Most of our non-work time in August was spent in the garden but we did also go to Christchurch last weekend. We went for a regular family gathering with Nathan's family a very late mid winter Christmas. But it was also Rochelle's first weekend of her new life in Christchurch so that gave me a great excuse to have some time away from the in-laws. I bought her a kettle and took her plant shopping and set up her pretty china on display, with lots of blutack in case of earthquakes. Then on the Sunday night I took all Nathan's siblings and their partners to her place and we made pizza and had a big family dinner. It was very successful - the pizza that is, we used pizza stones and they made such a difference! I am buying a good one first chance I get.
Unfortunately the story of our weekend away doesn't end well. We came back to Wellington carrying disease, Nathan's whole family came down with a bad tummy bug and everyone was very sick. I thought I had got lucky because I felt fine on Tuesday but it got me too. Luckily Rochelle didn't get sick - I just gave her my cold instead. So we pretty much had the whole week off work last week, even when we felt better because we didn't want to spread our virus around work. Which was actually really good because when we felt better we got loads of work done in the house and garden, which would have been stressing me out otherwise because Nathan works must evenings and we would have run out of time.
Well that was our August and now the countdown is really on. Can't wait to get to Europe and spend lots of money on pretty new things.
Our garden work has been building a raised garden bed that runs the entire length of the fence at the top of our property. It's Felsted now and filled with dirt, and a few pages. The plan is to fill it with very bushes that over time will create a bramble over the fence, to both act as a hedge and provide us with fruit. It will take a while to fill it with berry bushes though. We also have lots of seedlings to plant into the vegetable beds before we go. They've been in my mini greenhouse and I just hope that it's warm enough now for them to go outside Then when we get back after 3 weeks hopefully stuff will be growing nicely.
Most of our non-work time in August was spent in the garden but we did also go to Christchurch last weekend. We went for a regular family gathering with Nathan's family a very late mid winter Christmas. But it was also Rochelle's first weekend of her new life in Christchurch so that gave me a great excuse to have some time away from the in-laws. I bought her a kettle and took her plant shopping and set up her pretty china on display, with lots of blutack in case of earthquakes. Then on the Sunday night I took all Nathan's siblings and their partners to her place and we made pizza and had a big family dinner. It was very successful - the pizza that is, we used pizza stones and they made such a difference! I am buying a good one first chance I get.
Unfortunately the story of our weekend away doesn't end well. We came back to Wellington carrying disease, Nathan's whole family came down with a bad tummy bug and everyone was very sick. I thought I had got lucky because I felt fine on Tuesday but it got me too. Luckily Rochelle didn't get sick - I just gave her my cold instead. So we pretty much had the whole week off work last week, even when we felt better because we didn't want to spread our virus around work. Which was actually really good because when we felt better we got loads of work done in the house and garden, which would have been stressing me out otherwise because Nathan works must evenings and we would have run out of time.
Well that was our August and now the countdown is really on. Can't wait to get to Europe and spend lots of money on pretty new things.
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